Customs and Traditions
Kelheim can look back at a long history – one that is characterized by a jovial tradition of festivals. With an eye to customs and lively celebration, Kelheim continues to enjoy their festivals to this day.
And they take place the whole year round: from the Fischerfest (Fisher Fest) in May to the Wine Fest in June, from the Volksfest in August to the Spitzlmarkt celebration at the end of October to the Christmas market in December, when Kelheim turns into the city of a thousand Christmas trees.
Every Seven Years: Dance of the Coopers
The “Schäfflertanz”, or “Coopers’ Dance”, is a tradition which originated in the time of the plague in Munich and spread throughout all of Old Bavaria in the 19th century. In Kelheim, the Schäffler dancers perform every seven years – and have been doing so since 1911. The next “Schäffler year” is 2019.