Sights from A to Z

At a glance you can find all the sights from A to Z.

Sights in Kelheim (57)

  • Alter Kanalhafen

    Old Canal Harbor

    The old Ludwig Danube-Main Canal was inaugurated in 1846 after a construction period of eleven years. If you look south in the direction of the Danube, you can see lock number one, the harbor with ...
  • The Old City Hall

    The city of Kelheim built its city hall in the middle of the intersection of the two main avenues. It was demolished in 1824, and the City Council moved to what is known today as the "Altes ...
  • Altmühltor

    On the south side of the tower, you can see the coat of arms used by the city from 1410 until 1809. In the lower half of the crest, there are branches of blue grapes that represent the wine ...
  • Keltentor Kelheim-Gronsdorf

    Altmühl Valley Archaeological Park

    An exciting trip through time awaits you in the Altmühl Valley between Kelheim and Dietfurt. Enter the world of the Neanderthals and Celts. How did people living in the Ice Age 50,000 years ago ...
  • Archäologisches Museum

    Archäologisches Museum der Stadt Kelheim

    Das Archäologische Museum im spätgotischen Herzogkasten schlägt eine Brücke in die große keltische Vergangenheit Kelheims und zu ihrer bedeutenden Keltenstadt "Oppidum Allkimoennis". Die ...
  • Kloster Weltenburg

    Asam Church at Weltenburg Abbey

    The abbey church has been built and decorated by the Asam brothers between 1716 and 1739. Today it is one of the most important works of art of the European Baroque. This is the first church to ...
  • Befreiungshalle Kelheim

    Liberation Hall

    Commissioned by King Ludwig I, this memorial to victorious battles against Napoleon in the Wars of Liberation from 1813-1815 was begun by Friedrich Gärtner, who based his design on central ancient ...
  • Abbey Weltenburg

    The Benedictine Abbey at Weltenburg was founded around the year 600 by Columba monks and stands on the site of an earlier Bronze Age temple in the vicinity of the Danube Gorge. The abbey, as it ...
  • Ausstellungsraum des Besucherzentrum Felsenkeller

    Information center in the stone cellar

    The furnishings in the historic rock cellar show the past of the Benedictine Abbey and the monastery brewery of 1000 years. The exhibition is carved in the monastery cellar made of natural stone. ...
  • Deutscher Hof

    King Ludwig I. was among the guests of the "Deutscher Hof". He was in Kelheim for the ceremonial laying of the cornerstone for the Liberation Hall on October 19, 1842. The King stayed here ...