Sights from A to Z

At a glance you can find all the sights from A to Z.

Sights in Kelheim (57)

  • Mittertor

    The original Gate was built in the 13th century. In 1809 all three defensive towers were reconstructed to look alike, and the gabled roof was replaced with the current form. In 1868 the old gate ...
  • Aussichtsfelsen in der Klamm bei Riedenburg

    Nature reserve "Klamm und Kaselhänge"

    The nature reserve "Klamm und Kastlhänge" built the counterpart to the sunny side of the nature reserve "Schloss Prunn" on the northern side of the Altmühltal. This saves the steep slopes of the ...
  • Nature reserve "Schloss Prunn"

    The castle on the coral reef! 150 million years ago the bigger part of Germany was covered from a flat, warm sea. Its coast was along the nothern part of Ratisbona. In the shallow water of the ...
  • Nature reserve "Schulerloch"

    The rocks along the Altmühl are the riff reformations of the Jura-sea which was spreaded there 150 million years ago. The rocks look so solid but this is deception. The rocks have a lot of caves ...
  • Die Kelheimer Rathäuser

    The New City Hall

    The New City Hall that is located next to the Old City Hall, was built in the 16th century. In 1879, formally a merchants house, the official city offices were moved from the Old City Hall to the ...
  • Old Canal Harbor

    Kelheims old canal harbor A thousand years after Charlemagne (“Karl der Große”) envisioned Kelheim as a shipping hub, Bavarian King Ludwig I (1824-1848) brought this vision to life. In July ...
  • Organ Museum

    The abbey church was built between 1461 and 1506. The church was desecrated after the Secularization in 1802 and all of the property was auctioned off. Today the church houses the organ museum. ...
  • Otto Chapel

    On 15th September 1231, Duke Ludwig I., later called the “Kelheimer“, was stabbed to death by an unknown attacker, a murder that not only shocked the people of Kelheim at this time but has ...
  • Otto’s Chapel

    In the Old Market Square, in front of Otto’s Chapel, there is a granite block with an iron cross marking the spot where, on September 16, 1231, Duke Ludwig I the Kelheimer, was assassinated on ...
  • Schleiferturm

    This Tower was built from the remains of Ludwig the Wittelsbacher’s castle, and was part of the former defensive wall. It served as fortification for the town and is named after the ...